So where do you go when you want to improve your English pronunciation or public speaking skills?

A book? You Tube? There are some fantastic English pronunciation resources out there. There is Susan Cameron’s Perfecting Your English Pronunciation and Rachel’s English online. Both are informative, smart, and clear.

TEDTalks? Someone you could observe and learn from? A colleague? Mentor? Someone famous?

A couple of weeks ago at the start of my advanced English pronunciation training program, I asked folks to name two to three great speakers. By great speakers, I added: speakers whose vocal and speech delivery convey confidence and clarity. A few of the responses included:

  • Barak Obama
  • Barbara Walters
  • A senior partner (in a law firm)
  • Glenn Beck
  • Simon Sinek
  • Sheryl Sandberg

If You’re Motivated, Practice SmartAdvanced English Pronunciation Skills Program

Immerse yourself into some form of training (and stick with it.)

Be deliberate. Set a 2-3 month period in which you can direct your attention to how you are speaking in English or how you are projecting your voice.

Practice-smart. There are a lot of great tools out there. Make sure to work with systematic and carefully-sequenced materials.  And have a steady practice buddy or coach.

All in all, active engagement and sticking with a set roadmap speeds up the process.

Join My Newsletter

Are you just starting to focus on your spoken English? Or perhaps you’ve already taken an English pronunciation, accent reduction, or accent modification training program and would like to continue learning more. Sign up for my newsletter.

You see, I’m currently in the process of rebooting my newsletter. If you sign up, you’ll soon begin to receive the following in your email inbox:

  • Linguistic insights about the English sound system. Sometimes, I get into the nitty gritty. If you’re a detail-oriented person who likes to learn, you’ll appreciate this.
  • Practical tips & resources. If you’re simply interested in picking up a few quick tips to help you improve your English speaking skills, this will be another good resource..
  • Occasional updates & offers. My primary goal is to help you improve your spoken-English communication skills. It’s not to bombard you with spam and advertising. I stress the word occasional in “occasional updates & offers.”
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