When you practice your English pronunciation or prepare for an upcoming speech, what is your self evaluation process? Do you record your speech and when watching or listening to the recording, know specifically what to pay attention to and how to make a follow-up adjustment? 

In this post, we talk about how Coach Sarah, Founder of CommuniClear Global, works when she provides her clients individualized speech feedback.

Types of Speech Feedback: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Synchronous Feedback

Synchronous feedback occurs in real-time, typically during live coaching sessions conducted over platforms like Zoom or Teams. During these sessions, your speech coach listens to your speech, identifies areas for improvement, and provides immediate corrective feedback. This method allows for interaction and instant clarification of any doubts or questions you might have.

When you work with Coach Sarah, she begins each live coaching session with the following questions: What do you have coming up where clear speech production matters? and What materials will you be using? A slide deck? An excel spreadsheet? A website?  Etc. From here, she uses your work materials for both controlled and spontaneous speaking tasks. After each task, she provides concrete feedback and step-by-step coaching.

Asynchronous Feedback

Asynchronous feedback, on the other hand, is provided at different times. Such feedback does not require the coach and speaker-in-training to be present simultaneously. You might submit a recorded speech or a video of a presentation, and your coach will review it in detail. She will then provide comprehensive feedback via video, audio recordings, or written comments. This allows you to work on your speech at your own pace, reflecting on the feedback whenever it’s convenient for you.

Each person we work with has a private online coaching page. You are able to record directly onto this online page or upload an audio or video recording. Coach Sarah, or someone on her team, then listens to each recording and provides both written and audio-recorded feedback. To help reinforce this feedback, your coach provides self-study training materials and assigns a follow-up recording task.

The Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous Feedback

Immediate Improvement with Synchronous Feedback

Synchronous feedback offers the advantage of real-time correction. This immediate response helps you correct mistakes on the spot. This reinforces learning and allows you to adjust your speaking habits quickly. It’s also highly interactive, making it easier to address any how to questions or specific concerns you have right away.

In-Depth Analysis with Asynchronous Feedback

Asynchronous feedback, however, provides the benefit of detailed analysis. Because we’re not confined to the constraints of a live session, we can take the time to thoroughly review your recordings and provide extensive, thoughtful feedback. This method ensures that no detail is overlooked and that you receive comprehensive guidance on improving your speech.

Encouraging Active Use of Feedback

One of the cornerstones of our approach involves encouraging our clients to actively use the feedback we provide. Here’s how we do it:

Actionable Steps

For each piece of feedback, we provide actionable steps that you can practice between sessions. Whether it’s working on pronunciation, intonation, or pacing, these steps are designed to be practical and easy to integrate into your daily routine.

Regular Practice Assignments

We assign regular practice exercises tailored to your specific needs. These assignments help reinforce the feedback you’ve received and ensure continuous improvement. By regularly practicing these exercises, you can steadily enhance your speech skills.


We encourage you to record yourself speaking regularly. This self-recording practice helps you become more aware of your speech patterns and track your progress over time. Reviewing these recordings with our feedback in mind allows you to self-correct and refine your skills continuously.

Feedback Log

Keeping a feedback log is another effective strategy we recommend. By documenting the feedback you receive and the steps you’ve taken to address it, you can monitor your development and stay motivated by seeing how far you’ve come.

Customized Learning Plans for Global Workplace Communication

Every professional’s journey to improving their global workplace communication is unique. Therefore, we create customized learning plans that cater specifically to your goals, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Our customized learning plans take into account your specific professional context, communication challenges, and personal learning style. By tailoring our approach to fit your needs, we help you achieve faster progress. Whether you need to improve your presentation skills, enhance your pronunciation, or master professional jargon, our learning plans are designed to address your individual objectives.

In addition, we focus on creating plans that help you succeed in specific professional contexts, such as presentations, interviews, and meetings. For instance, if you have an important presentation coming up, we can develop a targeted plan to ensure that you deliver your message clearly and confidently. Similarly, for interviews and meetings, we tailor our coaching to help you articulate your thoughts effectively, respond to questions confidently, and engage with your audience meaningfully.

Ready to Take the Next Step in your Communication Journey?

Coach Sarah’s use of synchronous and asynchronous individualized feedback provides you with the concrete tools and step-by-step guidance that you need for steady, continuous improvement.

Where are you on your global workplace communication journey? Would receiving individualized speech and communication coaching with Sarah enhance your professional interactions?

Contact us today to learn more about our individualized speech coaching programs and how we can help you achieve your professional goals.

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