I’ve been testing out a few English Language Learning Apps recently. My goal is simple: to find solid resources that I can recommend to my 1-on-1 clients and in my upcoming hybrid Live Virtual & Online Fluency Booster Programs.

ELSA Speak is one English language learning app that I plan to recommend this fall. This AI-powered English speaking coach specializes in English pronunciation and real-life communication. Regardless of whether you’re a student or a professional, you will find this tool helpful if you need to sharpen your English pronunciation skills, expand your vocabulary range on work and non-work topics, and improve your interactive spoken fluency.

Quick Notes About ELSA Speak

I tested out the ELSA Premium plan and there’s a lot of good material to work with using this app. Below are a few quick notes copied from my notepad (not ChatGPT!).

  • Pronunciation skills training in isolated and conversational contexts. In a given lesson, there is the following: => A specific pronunciation focus spelled out – e.g., content word stress in sentences. => Text highlighting and audio samples reading the sentences out loud. (There’s much more to pronunciation training than copy and repeat but how it’s done is smart.) => A microphone to practice along with the ability to compare your recording to that of the original. => AI feedback that is detailed and accurate from what I can tell. (Again, these are quick notes and I’ll be testing this app with clients this fall.)
  • Multiple forms of practice and input that helps keep the English speaking brain active.
  • Different categories of general & work-related topics. A few categories included are Lifestyle, Small talk, Work and Career, Education, Holidays, Relationships, Health, Using informal English, Influencers, Grammar Foundations. Within each category, there is a sequence of lessons which include English pronunciation ear training, topic vocabulary, focused pronunciation practice, and conversation practice. There is listening discrimination practice and pronunciation feedback each step of the way.
  • Real-world conversation practice with the AI-powered English language coach. The simulated real-life conversation starts with a prompt and response that you can then practice with the app’s microphone and get personalized pronunciation feedback. You can compare your recording with that of a model recording. You can click on the specific sounds underlined to focus on that sound. You can click on each word and access (1) a breakdown of each sound in the word, (2) the word’s definition and sample use of it within a sentence, and (3) a spliced authentic video recording that demonstrates the authentic use of the word. I would never recommend spending hours everyday with random dig-deep language samples (out of context), but this tool is a great for providing multiple forms of practice and input that helps keep the English speaking brain active. Yes, I repeat myself. 🙂
  • Coach ELSA also advances the conversation so that you can analyze the flow of ideas from point to point; you can examine the use of language (e.g., vocabulary use, sentence intonation, stress patterns) that contributes to this flow. This is another form of input that helps you become a more fluent speaker of English. (One advantage, of course, of a live speech coach that is not AI-powered is that the active analysis of a conversation within itself also drives spontaneous language use. With some form of guidance, this helps reinforce new pronunciation elements and grammar/vocabulary use so that the learner advances their spoken English communication skills.)
  • Coach ELSA gives feedback that helps with the specific pronunciation of a sound if needed. Let’s take the work comb. One time, I received an “excellent.” The next time, the following: “comb: This is an /m/ sound. Press your lips together and vibrate your vocal cords to produce this consonant.” The only thing I would add is that the /m/ is a nasal sound so make sure to produce it through the nose, not the mouth.
  • Here’s another sample of feedback that I received when repeating a short sentence. While individual vowel sounds vary according to regions (hence contributing to a given accent) and this drives home the point that there is no “perfect” English, I appreciate the following specific feedback with pronunciation tips that Coach ELSA provided: “Try again. Pronounce the sound ‘a’ (in the word asked) with the vowel /æ/, as in ‘last’ and ‘bad’. Open your mouth and keep your tongue low. [Side note: Here, I’d add, ‘place the tip of your tongue behind your bottom front teeth. This helps with keeping the tongue steady in place .’.] If your tongue and jaw are too high, it might sound like /e/(eh), as in bed.” … This gets technical but the specifics help the English language learner produce the sound. Keep in mind that what a learner hears isn’t necessarily what they repeat.
  • Opportunities to do role plays with the AI tool and receive feedback. The feedback given includes: Overall (content, clear & fluent language, tone), Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Grammar. I tried this with the Interview to Enroll in a Business School scenario. I spoke-off-the cuff and here’s the vocabulary feedback that I received: “Avoid repetitively using the word ‘business’. Use more specific words, such as ‘entrepreneur, start-up, a company.” The grammar feedback that I received included: “Instead of saying “I came to the realization,” it’s better to say, “I realized.” This type of feedback is invaluable for expanding your vocabulary range and picking up ways to speak more concisely and efficiently.
  • Sample other role play conversation topics include: Golden Sales for Golden Week, Bug Solution Brainstorm, Present a Business Plan, Welcome a Skeptical Customer, Order office supplies, Report your lost wallet, Visit the doctor, Have an airplane chat, Get software instructions, Find out alternative flight options. This represents a good variety of real-life scenarios.
  • You can get help preparing for any of the following: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, English for Business & Entrepreneurship Certification, English for Career Development Certification, and more.
  • Access to community chat groups on Discord, Zalo, and Telegram.

There’s more to what you can find on ESLA Speaks but I hope you get the idea of how robust this English Language Learning app is.

Looking for a Live English Language and Communication Coach?

I believe that using ELSA Speak while working 1-on-1 or in a group with a live English Language and Communication Coach is a good combination.

Interested in working 1-on-1 with me? Let’s schedule a time to talk. Click HERE to send me a note.

Interested in participating in a small group program? Click HERE to see what I’m offering this Fall.

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