Have you ever found yourself knowing the right word in English but unable to recall it when you need it most? Or perhaps you’ve learned new idiomatic phrases, but they disappear in real-time conversations? Professionals often struggle with these issues as they work on advancing their English language skills, especially in work settings where clear and concise communication is crucial.

The solution? Focus, repetition, and using English in real-world contexts. That’s the foundation of our Fluency Booster for Professionals Program—a hybrid online and live coaching experience designed for professionals who want to build real fluency and confidence.

Here’s how it works and why it’s so effective.

1. Recycling Vocabulary and Idiomatic Expressions

Each month in this Fluency Booster program, we focus on one central topic. For example, this month, we’re exploring Understanding AI and Its Applications. The reason behind this focused approach is simple: learning English doesn’t just happen by exposure alone; it requires an engaging, active use of new vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. This active use includes grappling with the language to complete tasks, such as completing vocabulary exercises, responding to online community prompts, and sharing your ideas in a live 1:1 and small group discussions.

Studies show that adult learners need to encounter and actively use a new word or idiomatic expression at least 17 times before they can reliably recall and apply it in spontaneous conversation.

That’s why each week, we approach the topic from a different angle. For example, here’s the lineup for this month’s modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to AI (What is AI?)
  • Module 2: AI in Everyday Life (How is AI changing our daily lives?)
  • Module 3: AI in Business (How is AI reshaping industries?)
  • Module 4: The Future of AI (What are the ethical implications of AI’s growth?)

Each module includes articles, videos, podcasts, and vocabulary sheets/exercises to ensure a variety of input. Weekly discussion prompts and speaking tasks keep participants actively engaged. This goes beyond mere exposure to new vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

2. Community Support and Tailored Content

Community support is key. Each participant gets to know the others in a supportive space where they can comfortably practice and develop their English speaking skills. This creates a collaborative environment where everyone learns from one another. I participate each step of the way with answers to the participants’ questions, thought-provoking questions, and small speaking tasks.

At the start of the program, we gather feedback through a survey to understand the program participants’ specific interests and needs. This information helps us tailor the content so that we cover topics that are relevant to everyone.

Here’s a list of topic options that we provided on the survey for the program that started last week: Sustainability in Business, Trends in Remote and Hybrid Work, Time Management and Productivity Hacks, Leadership and Management Styles, Negotiation Tactics and Strategies, Cultural Intelligence in the Global Workplace, The Future of Technology and Digital Transformation, Climate Change and Environmental Challenges, Travel, Work-Life Balance and Mental Health, Social Media & Online Communication Trends, Health-Nutrition-Fitness, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, Networking in a Global Business Environment, Sociocultural Trends in Global Fashion and Art, Other (What other topics interest you?).

3. Synchronous and Asynchronous Coaching

Fluency develops not just from real-time practice, but also from taking time to process and reflect on what you’ve learned. Immediate feedback during live coaching helps each participant improve a specific skill (e.g., grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary use) and encourages spontaneous use of language, while reflection during asynchronous tasks allows learners to think deeply about their language choices and practice at their own pace. This is why each Fluency Booster program combines synchronous live coaching sessions. This blend ensures continuous active language use, both during and outside of the live coaching sessions.

The 90-minute Live Coaching Sessions include the following:

  • Vocabulary Spotlight: We discuss idioms and key phrases related to the topic.
  • Breakout Rooms: Participants practice in rotating pairs or small groups.
  • Group Discussions: We dive deeper into the topic as a larger group.
  • Language Use Feedback: I provide language use feedback that benefits the group as a whole.

Between live sessions, the online community platform is where the learning continues. I post topic-related prompts to encourage participants to engage with each other and practice the language skills asynchronously. This allows for deeper reflection and further practice of new vocabulary.

While we check in and respond to questions daily (Monday-Friday), the program is flexible. Participants can interact and respond when it’s convenient for them.

Why One Topic for a Month?

Fluency in English isn’t just about knowing more words—it’s about being able to use them fluidly in conversation. Focusing on one topic per month gives participants the chance to fully immerse themselves in the language for a given topic. By repeating and recycling the new vocabulary and idiomatic phrases in a variety of contexts, the participants can truly absorb the material and begin to use it naturally in conversation.

In Conclusion

The Fluency Booster for Professionals Program is about building lasting fluency through a combination of structured repetition, real-world practice, and targeted feedback. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your professional communication or feel more confident in meetings and presentations, this program is designed to help you achieve those goals.

If you’re ready to take your English fluency to the next level, we would love to talk with you and discuss how our Fluency Booster Program could help. Let us help you build your fluency muscle—one month at a time.

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