Jan 17, 2017
Have you ever had to discuss something at work or in your field–like a term, a product, a process, etc.–where you had to use long phrases like the one I have above? Chicago Loop global-English pronunciation skills course. When you’re speaking, using...
Jan 4, 2017
Our next big planWhat we plan to begin offering in our programs is online community support, where our speakers-in-training can share ideas and observations with each other. Where they can both provide and receive feedback on specific aspects of their spoken English...
Dec 1, 2016
Can you, like in the sentence above, efficiently communicate your point or express your ideas in fairly complex English sentences? Nothing ___ us like the ___ we didn’t ____. That’s pretty sophisticated language use, isn’t it? Most of the...
Jun 28, 2016
Are you an international speaker of English? Are you a global workforce professional? When you speak in English, would you like to be better understood during meetings, presentations and interviews?ensure that your listeners are able to understand and efficiently...
Mar 29, 2016
It seems that Quora’s fundamental purpose is to demystify questions that people have. It’s a collective effort from people of all walks of life and geographic locations. People are free to ask questions. What was the toughest coding question that you...