One Must-Do of Spoken English Rhythm

One Must-Do of Spoken English Rhythm

How would you describe or characterize the rhythm of your first language? Want a little help with this question? Join us this summer for Clear Speech Success Accelerator. Section 1 or Section 2. When talking about the English sound system, there’s vocal...
Consonant Articulation Counts!

Consonant Articulation Counts!

Have you ever paid attention to how a TEDtalk speaker typically articulates his/her consonant endings in words? If you hear this speaker talk in a conversation, you might not hear the endings so easily. However, when up on stage, you’re more likely to hear the...
Speak English Loudly, For Grammar’s Sake!

Speak English Loudly, For Grammar’s Sake!

You probably understand that speaking loud enough in meetings is important. After all, you want people to hear your invaluable insights and ideas. What you might not really understand is that it’s super important to speak loud enough at the beginning AND end of your...
1 Tip to Speak Slower in English

1 Tip to Speak Slower in English

Imagine how much easier things would be at work if you knew exactly how to speak slower and decrease your speaking English speed.  Perhaps you would need to repeat yourself less. You would receive fewer “Could you please slow down and repeat that” requests. One Thing...
Breaking the English language barrier takes action

Breaking the English language barrier takes action

How many screens do you look at a day? The desktop screen? TheiPAD or Kindle screen? The smart phone screen? Screens on which to watch & listen to videos. To write texts, Facebook posts, and WeChat or WhatsApp messages. Do you use any pronunciation apps? If...