There’s a Place for YouTube with English Pronunciation Training But….
How often have you gone to YouTube and found yourself watching a variety of videos on...
Music To My Ears (!) at the End of our English Pronunciation Course
So we finished our 6-week Advanced English Pronunciation for Professionals course last...
Upcoming Chicago Loop English Pronunciation Skills Course
Last week, one training participant in our Chicago Loop English Pronunciation Skills for...
If You’re Motivated, Practice Smart
So where do you go when you want to improve your English pronunciation or public...
Feedback Is Easier To Give Than To Receive, But Is It Always?
Last week, I talked about how if you're needing to improve your English speaking...
What You Ought To Do If You Need To Improve Your English Speaking Skills
Here in the U.S., it’s back to work time for many people. Back to meetings (in-person...
One Quick Tip To Speak & Be Better Understood In Spoken English
Let me ask: Have you ever paid attention to your lips, mouth, and jaw when you...
Upcoming Chicago Loop Accent Modification & English Pronunciation Programs
Summer is finally in full swing in Chicago. For some, this is a perfect time to "level...
One Secret To Efficiently Improve Your English Pronunciation
If you look at the English pronunciation roadmap that I posted in April, you can see that my...
What’s Does Your English Pronunciation Roadmap Look Like?
If you are wanting to improve your global English speaking skills, having a specific roadmap makes...